Photo: Anna Shadrina/
What happens when a cheerful little bunny princess discovers her world? Then it’s time to fall in love: „Wake up!“ Sleeping Beauty done differently … CHANCY SQUIRE’s Dornhäschen®. Our first video on YouTube has been watched for more than 50,000 times. One more reason that we did not want to miss this song on the new album. Where, if not with Chancy Squire, the love of a small teddy bear becomes the kiss-release of the sweet bunny princess from her 100-years sleep? At the beginning of the song we have now staged the song like a fairytale: with royal fanfares inviting us into the world of great love. The beautiful world of kisses, when it comes to waken from a dream and seeing the love of her life. Then it’s time to wake up! And discover the world together.
The popular Dornhäschen® video was shot with two iPhones, the costumes of bear prince and rabbit princess are elaborately hand-sewn, all the tools in the video were maticulously adapted to the size of the characters. Anyways… most people already know the video. Now it’s time to get to know the Refreshed version on the album: WAKE UP! Kissed awake someone already today?
Check out Dornhäschen®
(Sleeping Beauty Bunny) on YouTube!
Aufwachen, kleine Prinzessin!
Was passiert, wenn eine fröhliche kleine Häschen-Prinzessin ihre Welt entdeckt? Dann wird es Zeit, sich zu verlieben: „Wake up!“ Dornröschen in anders … CHANCY SQUIRE´s Dornhäschen®. Über 50.000 Mal wurde bereits unser erstes Video dazu auf YouTube angeschaut. Nicht zuletzt deshalb durfte dieser Song auf dem neuen Album natürlich nicht fehlen. Wo, wenn nicht bei Chancy, wird die Liebe eines kleinen Stoffbären zur Kuss-Befreiung der süßen Bunny-Prinzessin aus dem 100-jährigem Schlaf? Wir haben den Song bereits am Songbeginn jetzt märchenhaft neu inszeniert: mit königlichen Fanfaren, die in die Welt der großen Liebe einladen. Die schöne Welt der Küsse, wenn es darum geht, aus einem Traum zu erwachen und die Liebe seines Lebens zu erblicken. Dann heißt es: aufwachen! Und gemeinsam die Welt entdecken.
Das beliebte Dornhäschen®-Video wurde gedreht mit zwei iPhones, die Kostüme von Prinzenbär und Hasenprinzessin aufwendigst handgenäht, sämtliche Tools im Video genau auf die Größe der Spielfiguren angepasst. Aber … das Video kennen die meisten ja längst. Jetzt wird es Zeit, die Refreshed-Version auf dem Album kennenzulernen: WAKE UP! Heute schon jemanden wachgeküsst?
Check out Dornhäschen®
(Sleeping Beauty Bunny) on YouTube!
Chancy Squire:
© 1983 words & music by Klaus Rieger
Once upon a time there lived a maid,
she fell asleep while she was working
at the spinning wheel
She slept on for a hundred years
behind a hedge of roses, it was so unreal
The evil curse, it was fulfi lled
a single way was left to solve the spell
A fearless heart with honest love
could cut her chain and open up her cell
One day at dawn, a young prince, full of love,
cut down the hedge of evil with his sword
and he went on and found his dream,
he wakened her and gave her a soft kiss
and he said:
Wake up, little princess, you’re not alone
wake up, follow me to my ancient throne
wake up, don’t hang on to the lost dreams
of your past
Once upon a time there lived a maid,
she fell asleep while she was working at the
spinning wheel
She slept on for a hundred years
behind a hedge of roses, it was so unreal
The evil curse, it was fulfi lled
a single way was left to solve the spell
A fearless heart with honest love
could cut her chain and open up her cell
One day at dawn, a young prince, full of love,
cut down the hedge of evil with his sword
and he went on and found his dream,
he wakened her and gave her a soft kiss
and he said:
Wake up, little princess, you’re not alone
wake up, follow me to my ancient throne
wake up, don’t hang on to the lost dreams
of your past
Wake up …